Category Archives: Advisory

August 28,2014, Advisory

Today we had 2 groups.  One group worked on prioritizing homework. Steps include:

1-Create a list of the work and the due dates

2-Chunk it up- break up big assignments, set little goals (like 10 problems before my snack)

3-Prioritize the work:  Do what’s due first, start big project early.

The other group worked on conversation skills.  They learned the expectations and practiced.



A new year and new expectations!!  This year we have started with a bang.  Students have learned classroom and hallway expectations and we will be moving forward with more organization and social skills.

Today we took a quiz on hallway behaviors and practiced group work.

April 28

This week: Today we will work with our 7 habits.  We will identify 3 values of society and name one that we also value

Tuesday- We will continue with our SCORE skills for working with groups and partners

Wednesday- Memorization activity

Thursday- STUDY HALL- bring your assignments, bring your binder, bring all your papers WORK, WORK, WORK


Change for today, April 23

We will be showing election videos today in advisory.  This will shorten our introduction to the new unit.  Please bring in your signed permission slips.

April 21

Students will work on their character education today- discussing a principle based life for 7-8th graders and 9th graders will go to Mr. Syme’s class for their discussion.

Tomorrow- SCORE skills- working together in a group

Wednesday- introduce the new unit about memorization

Thursday- Study hall day- missing assignment reports are due- signed by a parent.  This is the last day I can accept permission slips for the candy in the memorization activity.

February 6

Today we built a word wall, but a very different kind than kids are used to.  This wall is built from words that build us and others up.  We talked about the terrible effect of words that tear down others and ourselves.  Students added several and we will visit this wall again until we have built it as high as we can reach.

February 5

Today we had 2 groups.  One group focused on the 5 point scale for feeling angry or anxious.  The other was a math focus group who worked on one step algebra equations.

Head’s Up

Everyone in Advisory please remember that your BINDER check is tomorrow, February 4.  Check out the rubric!  rubric for binder

February 4

Today we practiced an on-task skill of setting a timer and checking if we were doing what we supposed to be doing when the timer went off.  This was as a class the best on-task day, setting a timer seemed to help students stay with a task.  I encouraged them to try it at home set a timer to go off every minute for 10 minutes.  Being on task looks like: A clear desk with only 1 piece of paper, I am looking at my assignment, I am writing my answers.  Being on task sounds like: quiet pencil marks or typing keys.

I can ask myself, “Am I thinking about the answer? Should I skip this one and come back to it later? ”


February 3

Dragon of the Month assembly.  A chance to practice some important social skills- audience behaviors and being happy for our own or others’ successes.